
2016 Ford F450

Mileage: ​287,479 miles | Fuel Economy: ​N/A

Vehicle Information

VIN#: ​N/A

Exterior Color: ​Black

Interior Color: ​Grey

Odometer: ​287,479 miles

Fuel Economy: ​N/A

Fuel Type: ​Diesel

Transmission: ​Automatic

Highlighted Features


​Excellent Condition


​Vehicle Paid Off


​Updated CP4/injection pump


​Updated CP4/injection pump filter protection system


​Updated Air Lift rear suspension bags


​Updated Air Lift suspension control/in cab


​Updated Rhino lined bed


​Updated B&W 5th wheel hitch

Dealer Notes

Empty Tank Garage has a *2016 Ford F450 4X4 Crew Cab* that is ready to roll out! This F450 is a one owner truck with a **6.7 PowerStroke Diesel engine** with 287,000 Highway miles. This Truck is loaded with Preferred equipment package, Power equipment group, and power/heated mirrors. The F450 also has PTO, Air Lift suspension bags with in cab controls, Rhino lined bed, and a B&W 5th Wheel hitch! The Fuel injection pump/CP4 has just been updated along with a CP4 filter system for future fuel system protection. All services have been completed and with a fresh inspection this Beast ready to GO!

Empty Tank Garage is as leading Diesel service and repair facility. This allows us to do all servicing and upgrades at our facility, making it possible to provide the highest quality trucks on the market! We are asking $28,900 For this F450.


 ​2016 Ford


Price: ​SOLD

In accordance with EPA guidelines and the Clean Air Act, Empty Tank Garage only provides parts and services that meet Federal EPA Emissions standards.

Credit Card Convenience Fees

Empty Tank Garage has found it necessary to share the costs of credit card convenience fees with our customers. For all payments made in person, there is a 2.5% fee. For all payments made by telephone, there is a 3% fee. **Please Note: We do NOT accept American Express.

However, should you choose to pay cash or by check, there will be no fee.